Talleres de edición online

Los talleres de edición online en directo son un gran complemento para asistir después de las vacaciones o de un fin de semana de fotografía.

Since the picture is only half done when we press the shutter, to make the best out of our images, editing is a mandatory step. It’s the step that allows the photographer to correct some of the image variables and gives him the chance to shoot smarter by understanding what to look for in a digital file and how to shoot, to get it.

Nuestro primer Taller de edición se centra en la organización de los archivos digitales y la edición con Adobe Lightroom.

We designed this workshop to be a live private experience that only one attendee or a small group can attend. Students have the option to customize the workshop contents. However, we have an already tailored program designed to cover most of the basics and allowing students to improve their results in a short time.

Lo que cubriremos está muy relacionado con el nivel de conocimiento de cada grupo o participante individual, y puede personalizarse para adaptarse a las necesidades individuales.

What you’ll learn in an entry-level workshop:

  • Import images from your drives and camera into Lightroom.
  • Organize your Lightroom catalog and folders to select your picks and start finding images faster.
  • Learn the workflow in the Library and Develop modules to increase productivity.
  • Image processing – How to turn good images into excellent ones.
  • Export images and optimize them to the intended use.


If the examples we have on this post look familiar to you, and if you struggle to find your way to the edited version, this workshop is for you.
Please, get in touch with any questions you may have or to customize your workshop.