Capture blue hour cityscapes

How to capture blue hour cityscapes. A few practical tips.
Cityscapes, buildings, and monuments can get a completely different look in pictures captured at night or close to the blue hour. After sunset when artificial light takes over ambient light, but the sky still keeps some color and light, it’s the moment some call the blue hour or dusk. It’s one of my favorite times of the day to photograph and eventually one of the most challenging since it lasts for such a short time. It occurs around 10 to 20 minutes after sunset, and it lasts just for a few minutes, so working fast and efficiently can make all the difference. One great thing about blue hour shooting is that good results are always possible regardless of the weather, only becoming more challenging to achieve on heavy foggy days.
To help you achieve better results on dusk and night photography, keep in mind the following tips :
- A tripod and a shutter release cable are the only specific pieces of kit you will need besides your usual equipment. Those two can be of great help since exposures are generally longer and a steady base for the camera is necessary to avoid shaking. The shutter release cable can be, in certain situations, replaced by the camera self-timer, but since it’s a relatively inexpensive piece of kit, I would consider buying one.
- In the beginning, don’t try to shoot many images in one day. Choose wisely and concentrate on one or two pictures.
- Arrive early, prepare your shot in advance and wait for the best time with all your gear already set up. A good practice is to take many shots starting just after sunset until the sky is entirely black.
- Forget night photography modes on your camera. For consistent results work in Manual mode and always bracket your shots.
- Use ISO in Manual as low as possible for images with rich detail and noise-free.
- Always bring an extra layer to wear. After sunset in many places can get chilly. Also, most good vantage points to cityscapes photography are high and unprotected from the elements.
- Last but not least, the most important tip: Have fun with your cityscape photography.
For more tips on night and dusk photography, and a massive amount of practice, join us in the Lisbon Night Walk with a Photographer
Want to learn more and care for good reading, check out The Enthusiasts Guide to Night and Low-Light Photography.