The Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk is here!

Save the date October 5, 2019.

The Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk 12th Anniversary edition is here and our own Miguel Angelo Silva will be leading one of the Photo Walks happening in Lisbon.

Promeneurs de chiens matinaux

Dog walkers are among the early risers the city can see. On morning walks, dog walkers are mostly everywhere, but most are not easy to approach for a portrait.

Jimmy on the run

Un court métrage sur l'histoire de Huang Jianmin. L'enfant qui est venu de la Chine traditionnelle à Amsterdam à l'âge de 16 ans et qui est devenu Jimmy, un incroyable photographe de mode et de rue.

David Yarrow au TEDx

David Yarrow est un photographe de la vie sauvage et de la conservation, l'un des meilleurs dans ce domaine. Dans cette conférence TEDx, il explique son approche différente de la photographie et comment il a réalisé certaines de ses images étonnantes. Profitez-en.

Photographier paysages urbains au crépuscule

Cityscapes, buildings, and monuments can get a completely different look depending on the time of day we choose to photograph. After sunset when artificial light takes over ambient light, but the sky still keeps some color and light, it’s the moment some call the blue hour, and it’s one of my favorite times of the day to photograph.

What if your phone could be your camera?

Actually, your phone can be your camera and if you follow some essential tips, with surprisingly good results.
Taking photos with a Camera phone is no different from using any other kind of digital camera. The rules to apply are mostly the same, and the skills needed are no different.
Follow these simple tips and enjoy your always in the pocket camera.

Coucher de soleil au point de vue de Graça

It’s a favorite gathering spot for sunset for a good reason. With a balcony facing west and overlooking Lisbon downtown, the Castle close by and the cool bar for drinks nearby.
At the same place where Lisbon locals and tourist gather daily for sunset, we can also find the Convento da Graça and Church built on the spot chosen by Dom Afonso Henriques, the first King of Portugal, as the encampment for his troops during their siege of Lisbon in 1147.

Portraits : Comment aborder des inconnus dans la rue

Approcher les gens dans la rue et les arrêter pour un portrait peut être assez intimidant, voire terrifiant pour certains.

Promenades Photo à Lisbonne sur Airbnb Experiences

Early this year, we started hosting Photowalks through the Airbnb platform.
These are small walks, up to 3 hours, with elementary and practical tuition in photography and focus on the historic Lisbon neighborhoods.

Promenade photo à Cacilhas

Last Saturday, we had our monthly walk. Cacilhas was the chosen spot, and despite the Easter weekend we managed to have a nice and happy group to walk from Cacilhas to Quinta da Arealva on the riverside, just under Cristo Rei Statue.